A Newsletter for a Shifting World

The Odysseus Files is about building more sustainable online businesses.


Because in an increasingly chaotic world, we can choose to ignore the change, run from the change, or embrace the opportunities available within the change.

Choosing the latter requires being intentional: stopping long enough to make conscious decisions, figure out what we want from our businesses, & craft a solid foundation. Done right, this creates the time, money, & energy margins we need to adapt to the change around us.

The Odysseus Files takes you on a journey that explores how to do this in your own business.

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Who It’s For

It’s for those who want more from their businesses:

For the restless, the thinkers, & those who aren’t content to settle for the status quo.

Who want an alternative to hustling just to keep their heads above the water. And who want to build a life they love and a legacy they can be proud of.

It’s for those who are tired of the tricks, hacks, & “gurus” of the online marketing world. Who are ready to trade the focus on tech, trends, & tactics for one on the deeper, foundational principals of brand building, sustainable marketing, & crafting something worth the making.

It’s for the Intellectual Entrepreneur - the builder, maker, or creator who is ready to slow down, forgo the hustle, & choose an intentional approach to business building. Who wants to play their own game, in the name of expanding their impact & growing their legacy.

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Slowing Down

The Odysseus Files is the flagship publication of Acropolis Publishing. Acropolis Publishing’s mission is to help you slow down & become intentional about crafting a business built to last decades, not just next quarter. It’s the antidote to playing someone else’s game - and challenges you to set your own rules.

The Odysseus Files leverages historical frameworks to help you build a business that is uniquely YOU - and not a clone of someone else’s.

It features weekly essays that will challenge you to think deeper about how to create a business that stands out in a noisy market - the key to creating resilience against algorithms, AI, & all the other changes in the online marketing world.

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Who Am I?

I’m Josh. I’ll be your tour guide on this journey.

First and foremost, I’m a husband and dad to two kiddos. As of this writing, my wife and I are approaching our 10th anniversary, my daughter is 6 and my son is almost 1. My world revolves around them.

I’m an ex-ad agency copywriter turned brand & content strategist (and, now, brand coach for creator-entrepreneurs).

I also have a graduate degree in military history and am a geopolitics junkie - which tends to provide a pretty close look at the changes & challenges our broader world is facing.

I started publishing The Odysseus Files as a response to this chaos - as an exploration of what it takes to build a business that gives you the resilience & adaptability so crucial to thriving in a shifting world.

I firmly believe that crafting a sustainable brand is the key to designing a business that is built to last. And that, as a result, you can expand your impact while growing your legacy.

Interested in joining me on this journey? Hit the subscribe button below:

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Subscribe to The Odysseus Files

A newsletter for online entrepreneurs about building sustainable brands, drawing on historical frameworks to help you craft a business that is built for decades, not just the next quarter. That is uniquely YOU - not a clone of someone else's.


I help intellectual entrepreneurs build sustainable brands, creating resilience & impact in a shifting world. Brand coach, creator, & community builder. Ex-brand copywriter. Historian & geopolitical junkie. Husband & dad.